Residential Information About Shawnee Lake

Are you thinking of buying or building a home in our private community? Wonderful, we look forward to having you here at the greatest little neighborhood in Greene County, Ohio. Please check out this website to find more details about our terrific quality of life. In particular, you may wish to read some of the previous issues of Smoke Signals, our community newsletter. We think you're going to love it here. . . we do!

In the meantime, there are a few things you should know:

First, before you buy, call our clerk to find out any outstanding issues with any property that you are considering. For example, sometimes there are past unpaid fines, fees, or even liens that remain with the property. Contact the SHPOA Clerk (937) 902-6194 with the address and/or lot number of the property you are considering.

  • Each property owner shall pay an annual charge as set by the Deed Covenants, currently two hundred dollars ($200.00) per year per lot.

  • In order to join the Shawnee Hills Property Owners Association, a one-time (1) fee of $250.00 per property is required.

Please click on these links to read the Shawnee Hills Property Owners' Association (SHPOA) Deed Covenants and By-Laws carefully. It will make for a much smoother transition into our community.

Sheriff's Auctions:

When properties are involved in foreclosures and go to a sheriff?s auction, there is commonly a legal statement made at the time of sale by a representative of the sheriff's department, that declares all liens against the property to be void. Certainly this is the case for bank liens and such. However, our community is like a private club, legally, and as such we are not required to admit membership to our community to anyone unless old fines or fees are paid. Thus, if you are thinking about bidding on a property at auction in the Lake Shawnee community, be sure to call our clerk first, to find out if there are any fines, fees, or penalties that will need to be paid. Then, keep such figures, if any, in mind when you are bidding for the property