2021 Deed Amendments
2021 Deed Amendment Results Link
Must be Postmarked By: Friday Oct 29 2021
As part of our ongoing effort to improve the Shawnee Hills community, we are proposing five amendments we hope you will approve that (A) increases the annual assessment, (B) clarifies owner maintenance responsibilities, (C) prohibits owners 30 days delinquent from voting or using recreational facilities, (D) prohibits certain classified sexual offenders/child-victim offenders from living in our community, and (E) enables the Association to charge new owners a one-time, membership fee. Your “consent” to the amendments is necessary for the amendments to become part of our governing documents. Below you will find a small FAQ, link to the official documents and a form to submit any questions to be answered by the board.
Cover Letter Official Amendments
2020 Annual Expense Graph Projected Five Year Plan
Important Dates:
Estimated Delivery: Should have arrived In-Person Meeting: Mon Oct 4 2021 6:30-7:30PM @ Community Building
Zoom Meeting: Recording Link Postmark By: Fri Oct 29 2021
How much is the increase?
All residents will be required to pay $200 and will include lake membership. If you previously were paying the $50 lake usage fee the increase will be an additional $50 dollars. If you were not paying the lake usage fee it will be a $100 increase.
What is considered an eyesore with this change?
Grass taller than 8 inches in height. Lawn equipment visible from the street. Home appliances stored outside. Trash not in covered trash cans. Any vehicle(car, truck, boat, RV, etc) stored outside a closed garage must be operable, with current, registered license plates. Inoperable vehicles must be stored inside a garage.
Is the initiation fee changing?
Yes, new property owners will be required to pay a one time fee of $250.